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Sting for Consultancy & Design is an Egyptian training service provider and development consultancy.


Sting emerged in 2013, in response to Egyptian society's need for lifelong learning which adapts to the fast-changing needs of the individual and community. Sting's founders recognizing the untapped potential of youth created a space and provided resources for those interested in developing their skill sets and personal identities. Since then, the Sting team, driven by their passion for non-formal education and community development have evolved into a group of professionals committed to strengthening their expertise in capacity building.


Currently, Sting partners with local and international organizations to carry out development projects and initiatives. In-house, the team designs capacity building training workshops, tools, and customized products.


OUR MISSION is to create learning opportunities based on the needs of communities, organizations, and individuals from all age brackets and varying socio-economic backgrounds, in order to grow their potentials while simultaneously benefiting the community as a whole.


Our expertise involves designing innovative and customized methodologies for building competencies in professional development, civic education, and project management.


Our services include : Consultancy, Design, Training and Workshops, and Learning Opportunities.

COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Sting For Consultancy & Design. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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